Gregory Squires

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Gregory Squires

Emeritus Faculty

Emeritus Faculty


Office Phone: 202-489-5693
409, 801 22nd St NW Washington DC 20052

Gregory D. Squires is a Research Professor and Professor Emeritus in the Department of Sociology  at George Washington University. Currently he is a member of the Fair Housing Task Force of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and  the Social Science Advisory Board of the Poverty & Race Research Action Council.He has served as a consultant and expert witness for fair housing groups and civil rights organizations around the country including HUD, the National Fair Housing Alliance, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, and many others. He also served a three-year term as a member of the Consumer Advisory Council of the Federal Reserve Board and as a Consumer Funded Representative to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners as well as a member of the Wisconsin and DC Advisory Committees to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. He has testified before Congress as well as state and local legislative committees on a variety of civil rights issues. In 2012 he served as  Chair of the Governing Board of the Urban Affairs Association. Editorial board memberships have included City & Community, Social Problems, Journal of Urban Affairs, Journal of Intergroup Relations (where he served as editor for three years), and Shelterforce. In 2022 he was appointed as a community development columnist for Social Policy a quarterly magazine on “Organizing for Social & Economic Justice.”

He has written for several academic journals and general interest publications including Urban Studies, Social Problems, Social Science Quarterly, Urban Affairs Review, Journal of Urban Affairs, Review of Black Political Economy, Gender & Society, The Nation, The Progressive, American Banker, The American Prospect, New York Times,  Washington Post, Chicago Defender, L’Opinion and many others. Prior to joining the faculty at George Washington University he taught at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and served as a research analyst for the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. 

Recent awards include the Marilyn J. Gittell Activist Scholar Award from the Urban Affairs Association (2023), induction to the Distinguished Service Honor Role of the Urban Affairs Association (2020), Contribution to the Field of Urban Affairs Award from the Urban Affairs Association (2018), Lester F. Ward Distinguished Contribution to Applied and Clinical Sociology Award from the Association of Applied and Clinical Sociology (2013), the Robert and Helen Lynd Lifetime Achievement Award from the Community and Urban Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association (2011), the Joseph B. Gittler Award for Significant Scholarly Achievement in Contributing to the Ethical Resolution of Social Problems from the Society for the Study of Social Problems (2009), and the Stuart A. Rice Award for Career Achievement from District of Columbia Sociological Society (2007). Click here for the details of Prof. Squires's work (Squires CV).

Housing discrimination

Intersection of health, race, and place

Applied and community-based research

Gentrification and uneven metropolitan development

Undergraduate Courses:
SOC 1000 - Poverty, Place, and Race: The Sociology of Urban Inequality (Dean's Seminar)
SOC 2105 - Social Problems in American Society
SOC 2169 - Urban Sociology
HONR 2175 - Color and Community: Racial Inequality in Urban America

Graduate Courses: 
SOC 6245 - Race Relations
SOC 6248 - Race and Urban Redevelopment
SOC 6252 - War and the Welfare State


2018. Gregory D. Squires (ed). The Fight for Fair Housing: Causes, Consequences and Future Implications of the 1968 Federal Fair Housing Act. Routledge.

2017. Larry Kirsch and Gregory D. Squires. Meltdown: The Financial Crisis, Consumer Protection, and the Road Forward. Praeger.

2013. Hartman, Chester and Gregory D. Squires (ed). From Foreclosure to Fair Lending:  Advocacy, Organizing, Occupy, and the Pursuit of Equitable Credit. New York:  New Village Press.

2012. Marcus Raskin and Gregory D. Squires (ed) Warfare Welfare: The Not So Hidden Costs of America's Permanent War Economy. Herndon, VA:  Potomac Book.

2010. Hartman, Chester and Gregory D. Squires (eds). The Integration Debate: Competing Futures for American Cities. New York: Routledge.

2007. Gregory D. Squires (ed). Urban Sprawl: Causes, Consequences, and Policy Responses. Washington, DC: The Urban Institute Press. 2nd printing with new preface by editor.

2006. Gregory D. Squires and Charis E. Kubrin. Privileged Places: Race, Residence, and the Structure of Opportunity. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

2006. Chester Hartman and Gregory D. Squires (eds). There Is No Such Thing as a Natural Disaster: Race, Class, and Katrina. New York: Routledge.

2004. Gregory D. Squires (ed). Why the Poor Pay More: How to Stop Predatory Lending. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.

2003. Gregory D. Squires (ed). Organizing Access to Capital: Advocacy and the Democratization of Financial Institutions. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.


Forthcoming. Daniel Holland and Gregory D. Squires. “Community Reinvestment Challenges in  the Age of Gentrification: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as a Case Study for Wide Bank Lending Disparities,” Community Development Journal.

2022. Jones, Antwan, Gregory D. Squires, and Sarah Crump. “The Impact of Inclusionary Zoning Policies on Population Health” Housing and Society. 

2021. Jones, Antwan Gregory D. Squires, and Carolynn Nixon. “Housing and Health: The Impact of Inclusionary Zoning Policies on Cardiovascular Disease Risk Prevalence,” Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes.

2020. John Gilderbloom, Wesley Meares and Gregory D. Squires."Pollution, Place, and Death: Evidence from Louisville Kentucky"Local Environment 25(6): 419-432

2020. A. Jones, H.M. Mamudu, G.D. Squires. “Mortgage possessions, spatial inequality, and obesity in large US metropolitan areas,” Public Health 181: 86-93.

2020. Zolfagharian, M., F. Hasan, G. B. Motie, and G. D. Squires. “Perceptions of Home Insurance and Policy Directions: Comparing Mexican Americans and Non-Hispanic White Americans,” Journal of Consumer Affairs.

2019. Ryan, Charlotte and Gregory D. Squires. “Social Movement Research With Whom: The Potential Contribution of Community-based Research Methods,” Research in Social Movements, Conflict, and Change. 43: 185-211.

2018. Warren, Mark, José Calderón, Luke A. Kupscznk, Gregory Squires, Celina Su. “Is Collaborative, Community-Engaged Scholarship More Rigorous than Traditional Scholarship? On Advocacy, Bias and Social Science Research,” Urban Education 53(4) 445-472.

2017. Gilderbloom, John I. “Hans,” Gregory Squires, Stella Capek, and William Riggs.“Think Globally, Act Locally: Neighborhood pollution and the future of the Earth,” Local Environment.

2016. Gregory D. Squires and Charis E. Kubrin. “Privileged Places: Race, Uneven Development and the Geography of Opportunity in Urban America,” Urban Studies, Virtual Special Issue. Kate Driscoll Derickson (ed) “The racial state and resistance in Ferguson and beyond.”

--Reprinted from Urban Studies. 2005. 42 (1): 47-68

2015. Fred Freiberg and Gregory D. Squires. "Changing Contexts and New Directions for the Use of Testings" Cityscape. 17(5): 87-101.

2015. Antwan Jones, Gregory D. Squires, and Cynthia Ronzio. "Foreclosure Is Not an Equal Opportunity Stressor: How Inequality Fuels the Adverse Health Implications of the Nation's Financial Crisis." Journal of Urban Affairs 37(5), 505–529.

2014. Gregory D. Squires. “Inequality, Advocacy, and the Foreclosure Crisis,” Journal of Applied Social Science 8(2): 85-95.

2013. Gilderbloom, John I., Gregory D. Squires, and Margaret Wuerstle. “Emergency Homeless Shelters in North America:  An Inventory and Guide for Future Practice.” Housing and Society. 40(1):  1-37.

2013. Hyra, Derek, Gregory D. Squires, Robert N. Renner, and David Kirk.  “Metropolitan Segregation and the Subprime Lending Crisis,” Housing Policy Debate. 23(1):  177-198.

2012. Gilderbloom, John, Joshua Ambrosius, Gregory D. Squires, Zachary Kenitzer, and Matt Hanka. "Investors: The Missing Piece in the Foreclosure Racial Gap Debate," Journal of Urban Affairs. 34(5):  559-582.  

2012. Squires, Gregory D. “Beyond the Mobility versus Place Debate,” Journal of Urban Affairs. 34(1): 29-33.

2011. Charis E. Kubrin, Gregory D. Squires, Steven Graves, and Graham C. Ousey. "Does Fringe Banking Exacerbate Neighborhood Crime Rates? Social Disorganization and the Ecology of Payday Lending," Criminology and Public Policy. 10(2): 435-466.

2011. Ross, Lauren M. and Gregory D. Squires. “The Personal Costs of Subprime Lending and the Foreclosure Crisis:  A Matter of Trust, Insecurity, and Institutional Deception.” Social Science Quarterly, 92(1): 140-163.

2010. Gregory D. Squires. "Social Insecurity: The Roller Coaster Ride of America's Middle Class," invited Foreward. Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics, and Public Policy, 24(2): 285-291. 

2010. Gregory D. Squires and Derek Hyra. "Foreclosures - Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow," invited and refereed contribution to "Symposium on Obama's Urban Policy, City & Community 9(1): 50-60. 

2009. Nandinee Kutty and Gregory D. Squires. "Shelter from the Storm: The Multi-Dimensional Housing Crisis." New Labor Forum. 18(3): 37-46.

2008-09. Gregory D. Squires. "Uneven Development and Unequal Access to Housing Finance Services." New York Law School Law Review 53(2): 255-268.

2008. John Atlas, Peter Dreier, and Gregory D. Squires. "Foreclosing on the Free Market: How to Remedy the Subprime Catastrophe." New Labor Forum 17(3):18-29.

2007. Gregory D. Squires. "Demobilization of the Individualistic Bias: Housing Market Discrimination as a Contributor to Labor Market and Economic Inequality," Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences.

2006. Gregory D. Squires. "Reintroducing the Black/White Divide in Racial Discourse," New Politics, X (4): 12-15.

2006. Gregory D. Squires and Jan Chadwick. "Linguistic Profiling: A Continuing Tradition of Discrimination in the Home Insurance Industry," Urban Affairs Review, 41(3): 400-415.

2005. Samantha Friedman and Gregory D. Squires. "Does the Community Reinvestment Act Help Minorities Access Traditionally Inaccessible Neighborhoods?," Social Problems 52(2): 209-231.

2005. John Farley and Gregory D. Squires. "Fences and Neighbors: Segregation in 21st Century America," Contexts 4(1): 33-39.

--Reprinted in Jeff Goodwin and James M. Jasper (Eds.) 2008. The Contexts Reader. NY: W.W. Norton & Company. Pp. 456-464.

--Reprinted in Elizabeth Higginbotham and Margaret L. Anderson (Eds.) Race and Ethnicity Society: The Changing Landscape, 2nd Edition. Belmond, CA: Wadsworth.

--Reprinted in David M. Newman and Jodi O'Brien (Eds.) Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life, 7th Edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.

2005. Gregory D. Squires and Charis E. Kubrin. "Privileged Places: Race, Uneven Development, and the Geography of Opportunity in Urban America," Urban Studies 42, (1): 47-68.

2003. Gregory D. Squires. "Racial Profiling, Insurance Style: Insurance Redlining and the Uneven Development of Metropolitan America," Journal of Urban Affairs.

2002. Gregory D. Squires, Samantha Friedman, and Catherine E. Saidat. "Experiencing Residential Segregation: A Contemporary Study of Washington, DC," Urban Affairs Review 38 (2): 155-183.

--Reprinted in David P. Varady (Ed.) 2005. Urban Spatial Segregation: A Land Policy Perspective. SUNY Press.   

--Reprinted in Marlene Kim (Ed.) 2007. Race, Work and Economic Opportunity in the 21st Century. NY: Routledge.

Book Chapters

Forthcoming. Xolela Mangcu and Gregory D. Squires. “ From Harold Washington to Lori Lightfoot: Cultural Transformation and A Sense of Possibility,”  Dick Simpson and Betty O'Shaughnessy (eds) Modern Mayors of Chicago:  From Harold Washington to Lori Lightfoot. University of Illinois Press.

2017. John E. Farley and Gregory D. Squires. “Fences and Neighbors:  Segregation in 21st Century America,” in Mindy Stombler and Amanda M. Jungels (ed) Focus on Social Problems:  A Contemporary Reader New York:  Oxford University Press. 176-181, Reprinted from Contexts. 2005. 4(1) 332-347. 

2011. Gregory D. Squires. "Segregation as a Driver of Subprime Lending and the Ensuing Economic Fallout," in Rob Silverman (ed) Fair and Affordable Housing in the US: Trends, Outcomes, Future Directions. Boston: Brill.

2011. Gregory D. Squires. "Predatory Lending: Redlining in Reverse," in Myron Levine (ed) Urban Society 15th Edition. New York: McGraw Hill. 15-17. Reprinted from Shelter force. January/February 2005.

2011. Gregory D. Squires. "White Privilege." In C. McIlwain & S.M. Caliendo (eds.), Routledge Companion to Race & Ethnicity. London, England: Routledge. 231-232.

2010. Chester Hartman and Gregory D. Squires. "Katrina and Kids: The Impact, the Sequel," in Adenrele Awotona (ed.) Rebuilding Sustainable Communities for Children and their Families After Disasters: A Global Survey, Newcastle upon Tyne. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 159-169.

2009. Gregory D. Squires and Jan Chadwick. "From Redlining to Reinvestment: ACORN and the Emergence of a Community Reinvestment Infrastructure," in Robert Fisher (ed.) The People Shall Rule: ACORN, Community Organizing, and the Struggle for Economic Justice. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University.

2009. Chester Hartman and Gregory D. Squires. "Disasters and Community Economic Development: Lessons from New Orleans," in Roger Clay and Susan Jones (eds.) Community Economic Development: A Legal Guide for Advocates, Lawyers and Policymakers. Chicago: American Bar Association.

2009. Gregory D. Squires. "Inequality and Access to Financial Services" in Johanna Niemi-Kiesilainen, Iain Ramsay, and Bill Whitford (Eds.) Consumer Credit, Over-Indebtedness and Bankruptcy: National and International Dimensions. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing.

2009. Gregory D. Squires. "Katrina's Race and Class Effects Were Planned" in Abby L. Ferber, Andrea O'Reilly Herrera, Christina Jimenez, and Dena Samuels (Eds.) The Matrix Reader: Examining the Dynamics of Oppression and Privilege. New York: McGraw-Hill. Reprinted from Progressive Planning, No. 167:10-11.

2008. Gregory D. Squires. "The Prospects and Pitfalls of Fair Housing Enforcement Efforts" in James H. Carr and Nandinee K. Kutty (Eds.) Segregation: The Rising Costs for America. New York: Routledge Publications.

2008. Chester Hartman and Gregory D. Squires. "The Social Construction of Disaster: New Orleans as the Paradigmatic American City" in Manning Marable and Kristen Clarke (Eds.) Seeking Higher Ground: The Race, Public Policy and Hurricane Katrina Crisis Reader. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

2008. Gregory D. Squires. "No Progress without Protest" in James DeFilippis and Susan Saegert (Eds.)i. New York: Routledge Publications. Reprinted from Shelterforce XXV(2):12-15.

PhD Michigan State University, 1976