Steven A. Tuch


Steven A. Tuch

Professor of Sociology and Professor of Public Policy and Public Administration

Full-Time Affiliated Faculty


Office Phone: (202) 994-7466
409 B, 801 22nd St. NW Washington DC 20052

Steven Tuch's teaching and research proceed along two, often intersecting, tracks. One track is substantive, focusing on issues and problems related to race and ethnic relations, social stratification and inequality, and mobility. He is especially interested in whites', blacks', and Latinos’ racial and ethnic attitudes, changes in these attitudes over time, and explanations of the changes; and in the political and economic transformations in Eastern Europe. The other track is methodological, focusing on the application of quantitative analytic techniques to social science data. He is coauthor, with Paul Kellstedt and Guy Whitten, of The Fundamentals of Social Research published in 2022 by Cambridge University Press.

Current projects include a study of the racial and ethnic attitudes of African American, Latino, and white youths; a comparative study of beliefs about democracy in Poland, Romania, and the U.S. (with Sandra Hanson and Michelle Kelso), and an examination of the impact of colorism on the stratification beliefs of African Americans (with George Wilson).

Undergraduate Courses:
SOC 2101 - Social Research Methods 
SOC 2102 - Techniques of Data Analysis
SOC 2170 - Class and Inequality in American Society
SOC 2179 - Race and Minority Relations
SOC 4195 - Senior Research Seminar

Graduate Courses:
SOC 6230 -  Foundations of Research Methods 
SOC 6231 -  Quantitative Methods
SOC 6245 -  Race Relations


Paul M. Kellstedt, Guy D. Whitten, and Steven A. Tuch. 2022. The Fundamentals of Social Research. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

William V. D’Antonio, Steven A. Tuch, and Josiah R. Baker. 2013. Religion, Politics, and Polarization. New York: Rowman & Littlefield. 

Yoku Shaw-Taylor and Steven A. Tuch (eds.). 2007.  The Other African Americans: Contemporary African and Caribbean Immigrants in the United States. New York: Rowman & Littlefield.

Ronald Weitzer and Steven A. Tuch. 2006. Race and Policing in America: Conflict and Reform. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 

Steven A. Tuch and Jack K. Martin (eds.). 1997. Racial Attitudes in the 1990s: Continuity and Change. Westport, CT: Praeger. 


2023. “Racial Attitudes in the Deep South: Persistence and Change at the University of Alabama, 1963-2013.” Michael Hughes, Steven A. Tuch, Debra McCallum, Gabrielle P.A. Smith, Celia C. Lo, Utz McNight, and Richard Fording. Sociological Inquiry. In press.

2019. “A Cross-Time Comparison of Men and Women’s Public Opinion on Freedom, Liberty, and Democracy in Poland and the U.S.” Czas Kultury (Culture Time) (3): 20-34 (with Sandra L. Hanson).

2017. “Urbanism and Tolerance Revisited: Racial Attitudes in the United States.” Pp 155-166 in Marta Smagacz-Poziemska, Krzysztof Frysztacki, and Andrzej Bukowski (eds.), Re-Imagining the City: Municipality and Urbanity Today from a Sociological Perspective. Cracow, Poland: Jagiellonian University Press (with Michael Hughes).

2016. “Is  the Dream Color-Blind? Latino/as , African Americans, and the American Dream.” Pp 119-136 in Sandra L. Hanson and John K. White (eds.), Latino/a American Dream. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press.

2015. “Exploring the Nexus Between Human Services and Sociology Through Engaged Scholarship.” Zeszyty Pracy Socjalnej (Issues in Social Work) 20(4): 139-148 (with Michelle Kelso).

2015. “A Brief History of Racial Attitudes in the United States.” Pp 99-111 in Borys Cymbrowski and Krzysztof Frysztacki (eds.), Historical Sociology: On Theoretical Challenges and the Practice of Research. Opole, Poland: Opole University Press.

2013. “Religion, Politics, and Issue Polarization in the United States Congress, 1959-2013.” Studia Religiologica 46(4): 235-250 (with William V. D’Antonio and Josiah R. Baker).

2012. “Racial attitudes in the Obama era.” Pp. 127-139 in Krzysztof Frysztacki and Ania Sliz (eds.), Between America and Poland. Krakow, Poland: NOMOS Publishers (with Michael Hughes).

2011. Whites’ racial policy attitudes in the 21st century: The continuing significance of racial resentment. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 634:134-152 (March). Special issue on “Race, Racial Attitudes, and Stratification Beliefs: Evolving Directions for Research and Policy" Matthew Hunt and George Wilson (eds). (with Michael Hughes).

2008. "Catholicism, Abortion, and the Emergence of the 'Culture Wars' in the U.S. Congress, 1971-2006." Pp. 129-153 in Michael A. Genovese, Kristen E. Heyer, and Mark J. Rozell (eds.), Catholics and Politics: The Dynamic Tension between Faith and Power. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press (with William V. D'Antonio and John Kenneth White).

2008. "Police-Community Relations in a Majority-Black City," Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 45: 380-397 (with Ronald Weitzer and Wesley Skogan).

2006. "Race and Social Capital in the United States." Pp. 297-305 in Marek Szczepanski and Ania Sliz (eds.), Capital, People, and Institutions: Sociological Essays. Opole, Poland: Opole University Press (with Lee Sigelman and Jason MacDonald).

2005. "What's in a Name?: Preference for 'Black' vs. 'African-American' among Americans of African Descent," Public Opinion Quarterly 69: 429-438 (with Lee Sigelman and Jack Martin).

2005. "Racially Biased Policing: Determinants of Citizen Perceptions," Social Forces 83: 1009-1030 (with Ronald Weitzer).

2004. "Patterns of Problem Drinking among Employed African American Men: Preliminary Results from a National Survey." Challenge: A Journal of Research on African American Men 11: 33-66 (with Jack Martin, Paul Roman, and Jeff Dixon).

2004. "Race and Perceptions of Police Misconduct," Social Problems 51: 305-325 (with Ronald Weitzer).

2003. "Gender Differences in Whites' Racial Attitudes: Are Women's Attitudes Really More Favorable?Social Psychology Quarterly 66: 384-401 (with Michael Hughes).

2003. "Problem Drinking Patterns among African-Americans: The Impacts of Experiences with Discrimination, Perceptions of Prejudice, and 'Risky' Coping Strategies," Journal of Health and Social Behavior 44: 408-425 (with Jack Martin and Paul Roman).

2002. "Perceptions of Racial Profiling: Race, Class, and Personal Experience," Criminology 40: 435-456 (with Ronald Weitzer).

2001. "The Profession of Medicine and the Public: Examining Americans' Changing Confidence in Physician Authority from the Beginning of the 'Health Care Crisis' to the Era of Health Care Reform," Journal of Health and Social Behavior 42: 1-16 (with Bernice Pescosolido and Jack Martin).

2000. "Of Fear and Loathing: The Role of 'Disturbing Behavior,' Labels, and Causal Attributions in Shaping Public Attitudes Toward People with Mental Illness," Journal of Health and Social Behavior 41: 208-223 (with Jack Martin and Bernice Pescosolido).

2000. “How beliefs about poverty influence racial policy attitudes: A study of whites, African Americans, Hispanics, and Asians in the United States.” Pp. 165-190 in David O. Sears, Jim Sidanius, and Lawrence Bobo (eds.), Racialized Politics: The Debate About Racism in America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (with Michael Hughes).

PhD Penn State University, 1981