Carlos Bustamante

Carlos Bustamante
Co-Director of the Law & Society Program
Core Faculty
Carlos Bustamante
801 22nd St NW
Washington DC 20052
Carlos Bustamante received his Ph.D. from the Department of Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley. Prior to joining George Washington University, he spent two years as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the School of Criminal Justice at State University of New York at Albany. His teaching and research focus on policing, inequality, sociology of race and ethnicity, urban sociology, and qualitative methods. He is broadly interested in the social and racial underpinnings of legality and legitimacy, comparative penality, police culture, and criminal legal reform.
He is currently working on two research projects. The first compares the policing of restricted forms of entertainment in Oakland, California, Stockholm, Sweden, and Lima, Peru. It investigates how city officials and police target local “problems,” and how policed groups respond to and resist different forms of control. His second project researches the emergence of police transparency laws brought about by high-profile incidents of police violence and misconduct. This work considers how these laws contribute to new forms of police accountability, modify policing practices, and realign the key actors and agencies that shape law enforcement.
Undergraduate Courses:
SOC 2189 – Special Topics in Criminal Justice: Policing
University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D.